Jefferson County Alabama: Podcast for the People
This is a podcast for the citizens of Jefferson County Alabama to help inform them about issues and happenings in and around their county government. It's meant to inform and take a deeper look into the information provided on our social media channels. It's how you get the meat between the tweets!
Jefferson County Alabama: Podcast for the People
Episode 12: Water Reclamation Apprenticeship Program
Jefferson County
Jefferson County is accepting application for the Water Reclamation Apprenticeship program through June 13. Listen for details on the program, which includes on the job training and education while getting paid! To apply visit www.jobsquest.org. Have questions? Contact Marc Crenshaw in our HR Dept. at 205-325-5249 or email him at crenshawm@jccal.org.
Have an idea for a County podcast? Contact the Director of Public Information, Helen Hays at haysh@jccal.org